Monday, November 12, 2018

Week of November 12, 2018

Important Dates/News:

-November Birthdays
Jacob 5th
Xavier 18th
Maebry 20th

-Book Order Due Friday, Nov. 16th
-Half day Wednesday, Nov. 21st
-No School Nov. 22-26

-Feed a Friend- The high school student council is accepting non-perishable food along with any monetary donations.  All items are being accepted until the week of Nov. 12th.   Students will receive dojo points for each item they bring in.  Thank you for giving!

The vocab and comprehension test will be Thursday.  We will not be starting a new story until we come back from fall break.

We will be reviewing the four different types of sentences we just finished learning about.  There will be no test associated with this review.

There will be no spelling list this week.  Sight word list #4 is in your child's folder today (Tuesday); this test will be Tuesday (19th).

We will be focusing on using hundreds, tens and ones blocks to display numbers. Homework Tuesday-Thursday night.

Social Studies:
We are studying community helpers.  Grades will come from class assignments; there will be no tests.  This week we are discussing veterans.

Items needed for care packages:
Toiletries- toothbrush/toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, soap/body wash, disposable razors/shaving cream, baby wipes, band-aids, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, nail clippers, hand sanitizer, lip balm/chap stick, q-tips, loofah/washcloth, lotion/moisturizer, mouthwash
Homemade- letters, stories, pictures written by the students (sillier the better).
Food/Drink-individually wrapped snacks/meals, jerky, trail mix, gum, hard candy, power/protein/nutritional bars, canned food, tuna lunch kit, taco bell sauce packets, tuna/chicken salad, powdered drink mixes, reusable drink bottles
Entertainment-dvds, batteries, puzzle/crossword/sudoku books, books, magazines, handheld games, notebooks/sketch pads, pens/pencils/markers, poker cards, gift card (restuarant, iTunes, Amazon, Google), new/gently used video games (Xbox One, PS4)
Clothing/Personal- socks, robes, slippers, quilt/blanket, travel pillow
General needs- gift cards (Walmart, Target, Costco, CVS, Rite Aid, etc.), cash donations