Monday, September 10, 2018

Week of September 10, 2018

Important Dates/News:

-Picture Day Friday, Sept. 14th

-Field Trip- Friday, Sept. 21st.  Please make sure to return all lunch and field trip papers as soon as possible.  

-Free Dress Down Day Monday, Oct. 1st for Bully Prevention Month- You must wear blue in order for it to be free.

-September Birthday- Colin 23rd

We will continue to focus on the skill- characters and setting.  Continue to study your vocabulary words, test this Thursday.  Please remember to practice the decodable readers and other passages sent home nightly.  "What's in the Sack?"

We have begun working on our guided math lessons.  Our focus right now is on ways to organize and represent information.  Math fact practice will be coming home Monday-Thursday night.  Please make sure they are completed and returned the following day.  We have started using Xtra Math in class to study our math facts.  A sheet was sent home in the folder Friday with an explanation on how to access the program at home.

List #1 is in your child's folder.  We are focusing on words with short vowels and consonants.  Our first quiz will be Wednesday.  Spelling City is now up and running.  Students can find our class lists and practice.  Pre-test #2 will be Monday.  The tests will be cold turkey.  Meaning students will not be exposed to the list prior to the test.  

We will begin to learn what the sun, moon and planets are like.